FAREWELL 2023 cover

With Christmas on our doorstep and New Years just around the corner, we thought we’d take this opportunity to thank everyone for a special year. 2023 saw an array of good times and everlasting memories. Despite the occasional challenges we are proud to say that together with the community we achieved more than we could have imagined, in and out of the water!

A special message from Facility Manager, Laura:

“Our whole team here at the South Rockhampton Pool would like to say thank you to all our loyal patrons and Learn to Swim families who have been with us through 2023. We have had an amazing year, filled with great weather, successful events – and of course a couple of hurdles. During these times, we have and will continue to hold the positive feedback, bright smiles, and friendly conversations that our community has provided us with, close to our hearts. We wouldn’t be able to come to the pool every day and provide the service that we do without this community; so, thank you. We look forward to a smashing 2024 ahead of us.”

Our team would like to wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday season. We look forward to seeing you again in the New Year!

Check out some of our favourite memories from 2023 below.
