Central Queensland (CQ) University student Patricia English has been undergoing new research that has the potential to help Australian public aquatic facilities reduce the risk of drowning by investigating the effects of pre-existing medical conditions.
She explains that “drowning is a continued risk, particularly in Australia with our water-based culture. Those with pre-existing medical conditions have an even greater risk of drowning.”
Coupled with 17-years of experience as a swimming instructor, the Research Higher Degree (RHD) student felt there was a need for further research into risk mitigation given the wide array of aquatic patrons in Australia. Patricia says that “there will hopefully be numerous groups that benefit from this research. I have been swimming training since I was five years old and like most Australians love the water which inspired me to become involved in aquatic risk management research. The fewer risks on-site mean will result in a safer environment for staff and patrons.”
She has developed two surveys for her data collection for her research into drowning prevention and pre-existing medical conditions with the help of a panel of experts in the risk management, health, aquatics and fitness industries.
This study will provide vital information to develop strategies and best practice recommendations for sporting organisations and major industry bodies to improve the risk management framework to improve safety and decrease drowning incidents within aquatic facilities.
To partake in Patricia’s research you can find either the Aquatic staff or Aquatic patrons surveys below!