It is Now Mandatory To Check-In Using The QLD App

July 2021 eNews Headers (26)

From Friday, 9th July it is mandatory that everyone entering the facility checks in using the Check-In Queensland app.

The Queensland Government is no longer accepting in-house check-in methods such as BlueFit scan-in cards. The Check-In Qld app has been developed to help the Queensland Government with contact tracing in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak. It is free, easy to use and convenient.

The Check In Qld app is compatible with the Apple iPhone, iPad and iPad touch operating iOS 10.0 or later, as well as Android devices using Android 5+.
Please visit for step-by-step instructions. Alternatively, we can help you download and set up the app when you next visit.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and we thank you for your understanding.

